Progress in harnessing solar energy sector in Uttarakhand praised

Progress in harnessing solar energy sector in Uttarakhand praised
Dehradun , Nov 29
Ms. Mini Prasannakumar, Deputy Director General, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India reviewed the progress of “PM Surya Ghar: Free Electricity Scheme” and “PM Kusum Scheme” along with other renewable energy schemes in Dehradun city, in which senior officials of UPCL, UREDA, Minor Irrigation Department as well as members of State Level Bankers Committee and solar vendors participated.
The Deputy Director General expressed appreciation for the installation of more than 8,000 roof top solar plants by Uttarakhand Power Corporation (UPCL) till the month of November against a target of installing 10,000 such plants in the financial year 2024-25. She also praised the prompt progress of these schemes which included filling the application for installation of the plant, selecting the vendor, inspection of the plants and subsidy release processes. On behalf of UPCL, the Nodal Officer of Solar Cell Ashish Arora, Chief Engineer, informed the Deputy Director General that UPCL is working as a nodal unit for the successful implementation of “PM Surya Ghar: Free Electricity Scheme in the state of Uttarakhand and till date, more than 8,000 solar roof top plants of about 32 MW capacity have been installed by UPCL under the scheme.
It was also informed that people are participating enthusiastically and are also being provided subsidy on time under the scheme. Till date, more than 300 authorized solar vendors are registered in Uttarakhand through whom solar roof top plants are being installed by consumers at their homes. Recently, a two-day training program on grid connected roof top solar system was organized by NPTI for regional officers at UPCL headquarters in which information was obtained about grid connected roof top solar system under “PM Surya Ghar: Free Electricity Scheme”.
In a meeting with the members of the State Level Bankers Committee, the Deputy Director General encouraged to simplify the procedures for providing loans to consumers installing solar plants. During the two-day programme, the Deputy Director General also conducted a field inspection of various work sites under “PM Surya Ghar” and “PM Kusum Yojana” and praised the progress of Uttarakhand state in the field of solar energy.