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Study emphasized on enriching the quality and content of tourism in Utttarakhand for faster economic growth

Study emphasized on enriching the quality and content of tourism in Utttarakhand for faster economic growth

New Delhi, Jan 14

With a view to boost tourism traffic in Uttarakhand and enrich the quality and content of tourism products, a study just conducted by the MSME(micro, small and medium enterprises),  Export Promotion Council (EPC) has stressed the need to develop and promote attractive package tours, with the help of private sector tour operators and travel agencies.

MSME Export Promotion Council (EPC) Chairman Dr D S Rawat has said, the tourism industry for Uttarakhand is extremely important and has tremendous potential to stimulate the economic growth of the state. Therefore, the state government should develop the tourism infrastructure and maintain tourist destinations, airports, railway stations, etc. This will benefit small businesses in tourist areas from the influx of tourists.

Referring to agriculture, the study said that making the agri sector sustainable in hills is a huge challenge. Majority of the people have migrated to metro cities. Moreover, wild animals have become uncontrollable and are harming not only agriculture but human lives.

Therefore, the state government must implement its declared policy of ‘Organic Uttarakhand’. So far, Dr Rawat lamented, no concrete measures have been taken either to promote organic farming or horticulture. In the absence of the private investment flowing in to generate jobs for the local people, the MSME EPC suggests engaging expert associations to provide training to farmers, educate them on seeds, certification and marketing nationally and internationally.

Uttarakhand has attracted, government as well as private sector, an investment of Rs.33,737 crore in new projects during 2023-24 and majorly in infrastructure (highways) as against the new projects in 2022-23 of Rs.11818 crore, according to the study just conducted by the MSME Export Promotion Council. The projects completed during the said period were of Rs.1463 crore.

While the investment projects completed during this period were of Rs.2837 crore, the projects outstanding were of Rs.283528 crore, the projects under implementation were of Rs.159987 crore, said the MSME EPC Chairman Dr D S Rawat. He further said the information has been based on the report of the Centre for Monitoring of Indian Economy (CMIE) as on 1st January 2025.

The study says there are over 58,000 registered micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), nearly 25 per cent are struggling for survival and jobs of the people employed in these units are threatened. The study has suggested establishing Enterprise Development Centres (EDCs) to facilitate development of entrepreneurs into full fledged, self-sustaining enterprises and provide technical know-how, managerial skill, filling up the knowledge gap.

Currently, Rawat said, MSME clusters are inadequately equipped in areas such as tool rooms, innovation centres, testing facilities etc, therefore these clusters should be encouraged to collaborate with companies having innovation infrastructure.

Since MSMEs lack expertise in product development, technology adoption and marketing strategy, the MSME EPC Chief Dr Rawat recommended building networks of development service providers that can provide customized solutions in the area of technology, product development and marketing techniques, and use of technology to get timely affordable finance.

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