Graphic Era University students learn marketing mantras from German expert

Graphic Era University students learn marketing mantras from German expert
Dehradun, May 19 A well-known marketing guru from Germany Professor Schminke taught Graphic Era’s management students tricks of effective use of Internet and digital technology in marketing strategies.
Dr Lutz H Schminke, a Professor in the FULDA University of Applied Sciences, Germany was the main resource person at a four day international workshop organised by the School of Management in Graphic Era Hill University (GEHU), here.
Schminke, a distinguished International marketing professor said that new business models have popped up across the globe because of digitalization and these businesses have their own challenges. He further said that Internet and digital technology is being increasingly used in marketing and marketing strategies. He citied examples of few successful international marketing strategies, executed by using Internet and digital techniques.
Students of the Bhimtal campus of GEHU also participated in the four-day workshop and were also taught concepts like digital transformation of companies, their new business models, strategic vision and mission, core competencies, balanced scorecard, supply chain management and data analytics in an organisation’s CSR activities. Dr. Rupa Khanna, Head, School of Management, Professor, Dr. Ajay Saini, Associate Professor, Dr. Shikha Rana and students participated oin the workshop.