Knee realignment surgery a better option for low income Asian population: Dr. Gaurav Sanjay presentation on osteotomy in Israel Orthopaedic Association

Knee realignment surgery a better option for low income Asian population: Dr. Gaurav Sanjay presentation on osteotomy in Israel Orthopaedic Association
Dehradun, Jan 31
Dr. Gaurav Sanjay is well known young orthopaedic surgeon of Dehradun who is also “India and International book” records holder has presented a clinical study in 45th conference of Israel Orthopaedic Association held in Tel Aviv recently. This study included 113 patients of Knee joint arthritis who were treated with open wedge high tibial osteotomy from April 2005 to December 2017. Their age ranged from 46 to 89 years (average 57.5 years).A total of 33 patients had both side osteotomy. All patients presented with pain bowing of legs. The deformity was corrected by cutting, angulating the bone and fixing with plate. The patients were mobilized with progressive weight wearing form next post operative day.
According to Dr. Gaurav Sanjay, osteoarthritis is age related wear and tear phenomenon. Arthritic pain disappeared just after surgery in all patients and all osteotomies healed. Two operations were complicated with infection which needed early plate removal. More than 90% patients were satisfied with the procedure. Dr Sanjay concluded in his research paper that medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy is technically a simple, financially cheaper and socially an acceptable option for knee osteoarthritis. Osteotomy as compared to replacement surgery is a viable alternative to total knee replacement in selected cases of osteoarthritis, particularly in Asian countries where squatting and cross-legged knee activities are required for their day to day activities and other works.