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Why ban on plastic bags is ineffective?

Why ban on plastic bags is ineffective?

Vipin Kumar

Mussoorie, March 15

Delving on the last twenty years various enactments for the HM (HDPE) plastic bags were introduced from time to time. Some times 20 micron thickness , sometimes 40 microns and when none of them worked, a bureaucratic ban was imposed. At present bags less than 120 microns are banned. This regulation is under the banning of single used plastics by the Central Government.

Is it working ? The vegetable vendors and grocery shops continue to dole out bags which do not comply with the latest enactment. Interestingly, the above regulation is at work only in the capital and the NCR in Northern India and up to an extent in Tamil Nadu. The accumulationof spurious bags continue to pile up in the landfills, vacant lots and road sides.

The Government of India also promulgated Extended Producer Responsibilty which says that the producer, importer and Brand owners are responsible for collection of their one time used plastics. Has anyone seen this happening ? In the State of Uttarakhand, a provision of QR (Quick Response) code has been used on branded mineral water bottles which is partially successful in the high hills. This directive too was from High Court, Nainital. However, nothing substantial has happened in the context of carry bags.

Interestingly in the NCR region the bags have a provision of buy back at Rs.20(Twenty) per kg. Provided the same bags are collected and sold back to the producer.The question is who will use such identical bags and collect them approximately 300 bags. (120 microns in thickness) For re-sale.

The gamut of the issue is so complex that nothing has happened so far. In uttarakhand so many regulatory provisions for carry bags have been promulgated to no use. The Government has to come up with recycling plants which will lead to value addition of such waste. There is a plant in Kathgodam operational for the last 15 years using plastic bag waste. One such other plant was built in 2022 in Mujahid Satiwala by the Panchati Raj. However the Government ensured that it does not become functional. It stands as a Ghost without use.

The Government  of Uttarakhand has to change its strategy to curb this issue of carry bags. Piece meal efforts will not do. Is the Government listening?

( Vipin Kumar is an eminent environmentalist.)


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