International Women’s Day-poem by Rashme Sehgal

Roop Kanwar – Sati 1989
By Rashme Sehgal
A widow is made to dress in her bridal finery
To take a last walk
From her house to the blazing pyre
Twelve steps
Iis all the allowance she is given
To move from one abyss to another
Twelve steps
To transform herself into a column of fire.
A group of women chanting mantras
Lead her up to the blazing pyre
Made sacred by myrrh and frankincense
All through her life she walked
One step behind her husband
Now she will walk behind these women
Walk into this raging fire
To be transformed into dry ash.
Her soul’s benediction will purify this ash
To be carried from home to home
As sanctified bread
Twelve steps is all the allowance
She has been given
To transform herself into
A column of raging fire.
( The Roop Kanwar Sati was a pivotal moment for women in India. Her sati made us all hang our heads in shame)
( Rashme Sehgal is an independent senior journalist, writer and poet)