Graphic Era University witnesses magic of ‘Dhol Sagar’ by folk artist Preetam Bhartwan

Graphic Era University witnesses magic of ‘Dhol Sagar’ by folk artist Preetam Bhartwan
Dehradun, Dec 15
Jagar Samrat Padmashree Pritam Bhartwan and American artist Prof. Stefan Fiol made the audience dance to the tunes of the traditional ‘Dhol Sagar’ of Uttarakhand while performing at Graphic Era Hill University today. Both the artists appealed youth to preserve their cultural heritage.
Prof. Stephen Fiol from University of Illinois and other artists along with Pritam Bharatwan played the traditional instruments of Uttarakhand. On this occasion, Prof. Fiol’s daughter, 11 years old Amaya also showcased her talent on ‘Damau’, winning the hearts and applauses of the audience. Pritam Bharatwan and Prof. Fiol’s duet on ‘Dhol Damau’ was greatly appreciated by the audience.
Padmashree Pritam Bharatwan highlighted the importance of ‘Dhol Damau’ in the culture of Uttarakhand. He said that on special occasions like marriage, the beats of ‘Dhol Damau’ were used for giving invitations, expressing gratitude, etc. He also thanked Graphic Era for organising the program. Vice Chancellor Dr. Sanjay Jasola was also present during the program.