Development of Mussoorie sans sustainability

Development of Mussoorie sans sustainability
Vipin Kumar
Mussoorie, March 13
As one looks at the construction activities in the Hill town of Mussoorie one wonders the myopic outlook of the Development Authority, the forest department and the municipality
The MDDA argues for NOC from the forest department which only considers one aspect of forestry that is trees. Has it ever evaluated the available land for natural regeneration of trees. The answer is in negative as they only consider the visible green cover.The felling and artificially drying of Oak trees and the uprooting of the oak saplings for construction is over looked by the forester. Why ?Is there any data with the foresters on over exploitation of forests. What is the status of green cover in the last two decades ? The DFO should answer this query. We feel that while MDDA makes hay, the forester enjoy the loss of vegetation.
Does the so called Development Authority has the Geo morphogical study of the town. Does the spongy lime stone and Dolomite have the strength to bear the overwhelming load of concrete. Why they have not learnt from the tragedy of Himachal Pradesh. They have pushed the town in the danger zone which in the eventuality of an Eartquake will take a heavy toll. It happened in 1919 and 1932 when the town suffered heavy casualties due to Collapse of buildings.
A fresh look is required to study the viability of Development Authorities in the Hills. They are not required and the old municipal bye laws should be put into place for any construction activity in the Hills.
( Vipin Kumar is an eminent environmentalist)