App developed by youngsters at ‘Graph-E-Thon’ competition to combat depression

App developed by youngsters at ‘Graph-E-Thon’ competition to combat depression
Dehradun, May 12
Young Scientists at ‘Graph-E-Thon’ competition have developed a prototype that will play an important role in combating depression. Along with this, school children have developed a device to safeguard patients from radioactive waves.
In the ‘Graph-E-Thon’ organized at Graphic Era Deemed University, students from 16 states have come up with prototypes that are capable of solving global issues. After working continuously day and night for 72 hours the innovative ideas of students have left them to win cash prizes upto oneLakh rupees. In the competition, the problem statements were divided into four categories for which solutions had to be developed.
The first prize in Sustainable Healthcare category was bagged by Team 7 of Mahakal Institute of India, Gwalior. Team members Jatin Sajwan, Lakshita Sikharwal, Anirudh Singh and Jayesh Sharma have designed a website that connects patients with doctors. By using Technology like Machine Learning, patients through this app will be able to connect with doctors that will be best for their health related issues.
In the second category, Sustainable Technologies, Graphic Era Deemed University’s team ‘Peak Parsers’ won the first prize. Aastha Mehta, Rakshita Upadhyay, Yogesh Tewari and Nitin Parihar successfully designed an app that will help people will mental health issues to overcome depression with the help of music, games and different therapies.
The third category, Sustainable EdTech was won by Quantum University, Roorkee’s team ‘Fusion Byte’. Team members Anshuman Mishra, Sandeep Kumar, Afraz Hasan Naqvi and Sneha Singh have discovered an innovative way of recycling garbage by connecting homes with recycling plants via app and website.
Winner of Open Track Technology, team from Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi has created an AI based website for lawyers which will help them connect with their clients directly. Nishant Kumar, Priyanka Sachdeva, Nitesh Manchanda and Sarthak Yadav are the members of this team. Naman Bhaskar and Ayush Pant from Doon International School, Dehradun came first in the school category for creating a coil that will be helpful in blocking radioactive waves.
Abhishek Tomar of HCL Technologies, Lavish Aggarwal of Amazon, Sameer Goyal of Equity Knowledge Partners Ltd., Dr. Ravi Tomar of Persistence Systems Limited and Prof. Girish Gupta of Graphic Era Institute of Medical Sciences were present as experts and inspected the prototypes in the competition and decided the winners.
Chairman of Graphic Era Group of Institutions, Dr.Kamal Ghanshala while congratulating the winning teams, said that the youngsters have realized their potential by preparing excellent prototypes to solve the problems of the country and society which gives rise to new hope. The children of 16 states have shown how the youngsters and children think about the country and society. Chairman Dr. Kamal Ghanshala said that Graphic Era is committed to not only teaching and connecting the youth minds with newest technologies but is preparing them for competitions as well.
The competition was organized by Graphic Era Deemed University and Graphic Era Hill University. Dr. Narpinder Singh, Vice Chancellor of Graphic Era Deemed University, Dr. Sanjay Jasola, Vice Chancellor of Graphic Era Hill University, HOD of Computer Science and Engineering Department Dr. Devesh Pratap Singh, Dr. Sarishma Dangi and Sushant Chamoli were also present during the event.