Himalayan Hospital doctors save precious life of a four year girl suffering from rare heart ailment

Himalayan Hospital doctors save precious life of a four year girl suffering from rare heart ailment
Dehradun, Sept 14
Himalayan Hospital, Jolly Grant performed a rare life-saving ‘cardiac surgery’ on a four year-old girl named Rakshita, a resident of Kedarnath, who had been suffering from a serious heart condition since birth.
Despite consultations from various hospitals, the condition of Rakshita was deteriorating rapidly before she consulted Dr. Anurag Rawat, senior cardiologist of Himalayan hospital, who diagnosed a hole in her heart.
Rakshita’s case was referred to Dr. Bhavna Singh, a senior cardiac surgeon at Himalayan Hospital., who conducted the high risk surgery to give a fresh lease of life to the little girl who is recovering fast.
A four-hour long high-risk cardiac surgery was done by a team comprising cardiac anesthetist Dr. Deepak Oberoi, Dr. Ashish Kumar Simlote, Dr. Munish Agrawal, Sanjay Thapliyal, Pramod Singh, Ajay Saxena, Nitesh, Harish, Divakar, Sanjay Bijlwan, Shiv Charan, Sheetal, and Sunil Gupta, to save a precious life:
After the successful surgery ,Dr. Bhavna Singh, the senior cardiac surgeon explained that Rakshita was having a hole in one of the valves between the two parts of her heart, in addition to the hole in her heart. As a result,the pressure on the lungs, known as pulmonary artery pressure, was significantly higher at 70 mmHg compared to the normal 30 mmHg. Rakshita’s life was in jeopardy due to the oversized heart, and surgery was the only option to save her life.
Dr. Bhavna Singh further stated that Rakshita was dealing with two heart conditions simultaneously – a hole in both parts of her heart and a hole in the valve. In medical terms, this is referred to as “Gerbode Shunt,” and it is seen in less than one per cent of children.
Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU) Jolly Grant’s Chancellor, Dr. Vijay Dhasmana; and Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. S.L. Jethani congratulated the entire surgical team on the achievement.