Rung dialect of Himalayan tribal community soon to have its’ own script

Rung dialect of Himalayan tribal community soon to have its’ own script
B.D. Kasniyal
Pithoragarh, Jan 12
Rung dialect , the ancient dialect of tribal Rung community of high Himalayan valleys of Darma, Vyas and Chaudans in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand , will be able to express itself in written scripts as the script of Rung dialect will come into existence soon, according to Krishna Garbiyal, chairperson of Nandan Nyas, a trust formed to develop Rung script.
“It was late Nand Ram Lala, a member of Rung community in Nepal, who donated a sum of rs. one lakh to develop Rung script , some 42 years ago, he wanted to save his mother language from extinction. “ We have formed an expert committee of Rung scholars to develop the script. The work is in the last stage and will come before next year,” claimed Krishna Garbiyal.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also lauded the work of ‘Rung Kalyan Sanstha’, of Dharchula for its efforts towards development of Rung script. “Devnagri words will be used for the Rung language script, as we want our language and it’s culture to be known to the world outside,” said Garbiyal.

Rung Kalyan Sanstha, a leading organisation of Rung community, had celebrated ‘Rung Kbi jya’ or ‘Rung Language Day’ on January 10, this year. A cultural programe was presented by Rung community members on this day, to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the community in which representatives of Rung community residing in neighbouring country Nepal also participated.
” The rung community of India and Nepal is united in developing the script to save the language and culture of Himalayan people of ancient time,” said Karan Singh Hariyali, chairperson of ‘Rung Kalyan Sanstha’.