SUCI (Communist) oppose implementation of CAA

SUCI (Communist) oppose implementation of CAA
New Delhi, March 13
Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) has strongly opposed the implementation of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) by the union government. Comrade Provash Ghosh, General Secretary, SUCI(Communist), in a statement said that the idea of partition of India on the basis of religion mooted by Hindu Mahasabha, RSS and Muslim League and also the Indian National Congress gained ground with instant support and patronage of the then British Imperialist Rulers of India that resulted in massive exodus of people both from India and Pakistan.
He further said that as a matter of fact, this resulted in a refugee problem of unprecedented dimension in which, in deference to the wishes of the people of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India declared that all refugees would be granted citizenship in India, and it was regarded National Commitment which was to be implemented without any precondition or restrictions.
“Whereas granting of citizenship to new batch of refugees who have entered in recent times could have been done in accordance with the existing Constitution of India, the Citizenship Act 1955, and along with these other international laws, custom and conventions governing granting of citizenship. The BJP government instead of taking that course brought about a new Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019 without developing prior national consensus and it has been passed in both the houses of Parliament based on its brute majority. Clearly, it was completely unwarranted,” he added.
Comrade Provash Ghosh said that in fact, these were brought about with a sinister motive and plan of the RSS-BJP combine to foment communal and parochial sentiments and divide the people to divert their attention from the burning problems of life so that they cannot come out to develop united democratic movements.
“We strongly deplore this utterly undemocratic and authoritarian move of the BJP government. The fact which cannot be glossed over is that this mischievous move of the BJP government is linked with their sinister design of NRC which has been conceived by BJP government with the same evil and pernicious intention. It is clear like day light that this Citizenship (amendment) 2019 Bill has been envisaged by them as a weapon to push that heinous agenda,” he said.
He said that under the given circumstances, both these heinous moves need to be opposed tooth and nail by developing powerful democratic movement throughout the country.
“At the same time we like to emphasize that as per international laws, norms and custom, a person from any country can seek and apply for citizenship of any other country of the world and he or she is entitled to get that citizenship following due process of law of the country concerned without any religious racial and ethnic bias and discrimination. We strongly demand that this be strictly adhered to by the government of India in dealing with such applications,” said Comrade Provash Ghosh,