Dr Gaurav Sanjay presented paper on Cerebral Palsy (CP) in World Orthopaedic Congress

Dr Gaurav Sanjay presented paper on Cerebral Palsy (CP) in World Orthopaedic Congress
Dehradun, Oct 4
The functioning of feet is as important as that of the heart and lungs. The locomotion is important at every stage of life, however, it is most important in childhood as normal walking contribute a lot in the overall development of any child. The foot is the centre of body locomotion and 70% of the human activities in one’s life are done by feet.. Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows, smoothly, so people who have strong leg will definitely have a strong heart.
India and International Book record holder Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Gaurav Sanjay of Sanjay Orthopaedic, Spine and Maternity Centre, Dehradun has presented a paper, “Surgical correction of orthopaedic deformities in spastic cerebral palsy” in the 42nd Orthopaedic World Congress, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia recently.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) in other words mean paralysis of the brain which is one of the main cause of limb deformities. CP is caused due to obstruction in breathing during or after the birth due to any reason.
This study included 177 patients in the age ranging from 2 to 24 years. The CP patient present commonly with scissoring gait with deformed feet and hands. As the deformity increases so does the difficulty in walking and in some cases child becomes bedridden.
Dr Gaurav concluded in his paper that flexible deformities can be corrected with soft tissue surgeries and rigid bony deformities can be corrected with ‘Ilizarov external fixator’. The results of surgery revealed what surgery can achieve in an hour what the physiotherapy cannot do in a year and sooner the surgery the better are the results.