Two houses, school demolished for smooth landing and take- off at Naini-Saini airport

Two houses, school demolished for smooth landing and take- off at Naini-Saini airport
Pithoragarh, May 2
To ensure smooth take-off and landing at the Naini-Saini airport for aircrafts, the Pithoragarh district administration today removed two houses and a school coming in the way, today.
“Four more houses have been identified as obstruction on the way of landing and take-off for civilian airliners from the airport and these houses will also be removed after the recommendation of Directoe General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) team that has reached the airport and doing inspection of the airport,” said Reena Joshi, District Magistrate, Pithoragarh.
The houses were identified in 2018 as obstructions in the smooth landing and take- off of aircrafts but the owners had taken stays on the demolitions.
“After clearing the obstacles on way to take off and landing for medium civil aircrafts, we are now awaiting licence from DGCA, and hope to get it after the DGCA team completes it’s inspection of airport today,” hoped the DM.
The Airport has been handed over to the Indian Air Force (IAF) for management by state government recently.” We have been informed by higher officials that the aviation company, that has been assigned to run civil flights from here, has purchased a 20 seater airplane, .said the DM.
The Naini- Saini Airport, that was constructed in the year 1994, had witnessed running of a 9 seater civil aeroplane to Hindon and Dehradun for short duration from October 2019 to March 2020 by Heritage aviation company. The civil flights were closed after an accident in which a window of airplane opened midair in March 2020.