Continous tremors create panic amongst vyans valley

Continous tremors create panic amongst vyans valley
B.D.Kasniyal Pithoragarh, Aug 6 Four minor density tremors were recorded in border region of Vyans valley since Saturday. The continuity of tremors remained from Saturday night to Sunday morning, District disaster management office said.
“The first tremor was of 4.2 intensity at ritcher scale, that occured in Vyans valley region villages of Rongkong, Nabhi and Bundi. The tremor was felt at 1.34 am on Saturday.”said Bhupendra singh Mahar, DDMO. Pithoragarh.
According to DDMO sources ,the following jolts of 2.7, 2.7 and 2.8 density at Richter scales were felt till 7 am on Sunday morning.”The centre of this minor earth quake was at Indo china border spot of Milam, the tremor was recorded as originated at 10 km deep in that place,” said Mahar.
There was panic amongst the locals who felt threatened with tge possibilities of bigger earthquake hitting the region in near future. “Actually we felt 7 tremors in 5 hours time from Saturday night to Sunday morning, that has panicked the villagers of valley.”said Bhupal singh Ronkali, a villager from Rongkong village of Vyans valley.