SUCI (C) holds protest against genocide of Palestinians at Srinagar Garhwal

SUCI (C) holds protest against genocide of Palestinians at Srinagar Garhwal
Dehradun , Nov 1
As part of All India protest to stop the inhuman killing of innocent children of Palestine by Israel titled “Stop aggression against Palestinians” by Socialist Unity Centre of India (communist), a left party, a demonstration was organised at Srinagar Garhwal today..
The party volunteer staged a protest with placards stating ‘stop war’, ‘Down with Israel government ‘ about ongoing conflict at Gaza in Palestine .
Dr Mukesh Semwal, State Convenor of SUCI(C) spoke about the genocide been committed by Israeli forces on innocent people including children, women, young and old of Palestine. He regretted that Indian government has also diluted it’s stand on Palestine liberation during the ongoing conflict and siding towards more towards anti- human government of Israel. He said that to save humanity this war should stopped immediately. Kuldeep Ramola of ALL India Democratic Students Organisation ( AIDSO0, the student wing of the party also spoke on the occasion.
Meanwhile, Provash Ghosh, General Secretary of SUCI(C)) in a statement said “ Ignoring worldwide people’s opinion with the backing of US and other imperialist powers to stop war at Gaza (Palestine),Zionist Israel is killing hundreds of children, women,young and old people daily, destroying their homes, huts, Hospitals and belongings, creating blockade of water, food and electricity, and medicine reminds the horrors of Hitlers’ holocaust. During adoption of a UN resolution to stop war at Gaza, India denied voting to it, trampling down Indian people’s traditional freedom and peace loving anti-imperialist stand and siding with US Imperialism and its’ allies. This further proves how close is the bond of Indian Government with its’ US imperialism.”
He called upon all well meaning people of the country to strongly stand against Israel’s dreaded attack and destruction at Gaza and condemn the stand of India in UN.